Talking with a professional about what bothers you allows you to gain a better understanding of the emotional roadblocks that interfere with your personal relationships, career concerns, and uncomfortable and painful feelings.
I offer in-person consultations and assessments, treatment recommendations, short and long-term psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis, also offer mentoring sessions around career choice, teaching dilemmas, and performance concerns which are supportive and educational in content. These sessions often are requested by mentors who work with others in a teaching or supervisory capacity and are not a substitute for therapy when that is an appropriate recommendation.

How I Help
Clinical Support
Confidential sessions where we explore your concerns, what causes your psychological distress, and come to understand how your past experiences influence your present life.
I offer presentations to organizations on topics ranging from Performance Anxiety, Career Choice, #Me Too Movement, and The Value of Music in Mental Life and Society.
Mentoring for musicians and people in the arts at various stages of their careers. Pursuing a career in the arts, auditioning, fees and finances, higher education, interaction with audiences as Cultural Ambassadors.