Clinical Support

Talking about what bothers you with a professional allows you to gain a better understanding of the emotional roadblocks that interfere with your personal relationships,  career concerns, and uncomfortable and painful feelings.  

I offer a broad range of psychological options for anxiety, depression, relationship issues, low self-esteem, career concerns, and many other issues that are interfering with reaching your goals. These options include evaluations, consultations, treatment for interpersonal issues as well as career choice/career change, and stress about performance anxiety,  auditions and job interviews, delivering public presentations, test anxiety, writer’s block, and social anxiety.  By probing beneath uncomfortable symptoms, it is often possible to discover new perspectives and gain greater insight that permits positive changes.  

I emphasize that “one size does not fit all” when addressing your situation. Rather, emphasis is placed on understanding your feelings, your distinctive symptoms,  and your life experiences that have contributed to your emotional distress.  It has been my experience that through a deeper understanding of ourselves we develop new perspectives, enhance our self-confidence, and are able to bring fresh insights to our lives that permit us to move forward personally and professionally.

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