
Mentoring is a way of encouraging others in a variety of occupations. It involves a didactic series of specified private or group sessions with people that are designed around your job requirements and/or interests and can include teaching, supervising, and/or consulting strategies. It is focused on identifying your communication strengths, learning about strategies to understand and listen to those with whom you mentor, and helping others improve their job or school performance.  

Mentoring is not psychotherapy but a way to learn to support others who may bring work issues to your attention. Teaching listening skills and interventions to others and helping them solve problems will be emphasized. The format will be individualized based on needs and preferences and includes individual and group consultations and internet programs. Emphasis is placed upon understanding how people affect each other (both positively and negatively – often unintentionally or unconsciously), how to encourage collaboration among students and colleagues and co-workers, and to recognize signs that indicate personal problems that would benefit from referrals to seek professional attention.  

To inquire about mentoring…